Scroll to the beginning of the following page (in this case ).

Then, locate Page Layout on the ribbon menu and tap on Breaks.Go to the top of the page you want to Landscape, that means if you want to change the layout on, scroll to the beginning and click there.Click on your Word document to open it.Here’s how to make one page Landscape in Word 2010 by using Section Breaks: Those that contain insertions require Landscape though. If you don’t have that many additions to your text, you can use Portrait for most pages. Naturally, you can go back and forth between the two. That way, your pages will be much wider and able to accommodate large-sized files. However, if you plan on incorporating graphs, columns, or large images, you should switch to Landscape. The portrait layout is more elongated and therefore well-suited for text files. When it comes to changing the page orientation in your Word doc, there are two options. This refers to the usage of ligatures – the joining of two letters (for example æ), in particular. Certain layout problems were also addressed for the very first time. The new features offer a better understanding of the formatting tools.

Previous versions also had a few issues with Editing that were resolved with the 2010 upgrade. The most welcomed change was the reintroduction of the File menu, i.e. Users were particularly satisfied with the improvements made on MS Word. When Microsoft released Office 2010, an updated version of Office 2007, it met with glowing reviews. How to Make a One Page Landscape in Word 2010 In this article, we’ll show you how to make just one page Landscape in Word. But changing the default layout on individual pages requires a few extra steps. Fortunately, text formatting in Microsoft Word isn’t particularly complicated.